Ranma 1/2 Fanon Wiki

Blindsight, also known as Blind Sight, Blind Sense or Sightless Sight, is the ability for one whose vision is disabled (by blindness, closed eyes or darkness) to interact with one's environment as though their sight was perfectly fine, by one of numerous means.


People just assume eyes are the only thing you can see with. However there are countless people in the world who can read words through their fingertips. Also in the back of the knee is a light sensor that can regulate melatonin production and the cells of the eye’s retina aren’t much different from skin cells.

The basics of blind fighting involves reading opponent’s rhythm. The human body is an assemble of precise parts the body wouldn't be able to function when the parts move separately so from the time one is born all the parts are set to a common pace and rhythm. Rhythm is something that exist in every things, but the rhythms of Martial Arts or fighting in particular are difficult to master without practice and hard work. Rhythm is manifested in the world in such things as dance and music, pipes and strings. These are all harmonious rhythm. In the field of martial arts and fighting, there are rhythm, harmonies as well which not to be ignored. It is imperative to distinguish carefully between the rhythms of flourishing and rhythms of decline in every single thing. The way to win in a battle is to know the rhythms of the specific opponents and use the rhythms that your opponents do not expect, producing formless rhythms from rhythms of wisdom.

Blind fighting revolves around tuning in to thee rhythms shutting out all else effectively going into ones own world. This enables them to instantly know the weaknesses and strengths of everything in their path.

The user may be able to see the kinetic energy of motion (or the psionic outline of objects and subjects), and thus can react to it, or their eyes might serve as media for keen awareness rather than for sight. This faculty may even include the ability of the eyes to trace movement or the presence of obstacles without actually seeing them, thus feigning sight. This ability is normally accompanied by Superhuman Reflexes.


Novice: You don’t stub your toe in the dark.

This is pretty much a trained Spatial Sense Spatial Awareness or Proximity Sense. This can be used to judge distances accurately, tell if an object can fit into a space, discern the speed, velocity and momentum of objects, sense when/where a subject teleports and sense the shape of things in one's proximity (if unable to see); they are also incapable of suffering from vertigo and/or fear of heights.


Essentially this is nothing more than standardizing ones own rhythm absolutly so that they do not sway in the surrounding rhythms.


Practiced: You can pinpoint the direction from which sounds come.

Blind fighting hearing

This is a superhuman level of hearing. A practiced blind fighter is one that has trained to use their ears to compensate for their lack of vision, allowing him to detect sounds ordinary humans cannot and hear at much greater distances. It allows the warrior to hear all the inner workings of his opponent, their heartbeat, the movement of their bones and muscles, etc. the warrior able to accurately pick up on changes in an opponent's heart rate, allowing him to guess facial expressions and current emotional composition, despite his lack of sight. He can predict exactly where his opponents are and what they’re doing and is even able to measure the exact speeds of the opponent's attacks with his hearing. This takes a massive amount of concentration and stamina. Through long and grualing training the warrior learns to control his hearing acuity, mentally blocking out specific sounds like his own breathing and heartbeat, all ambient sounds to a normal human level of perception, or all sounds but a particular sound he was concentrating upon. The main weakness with this is that even when fully mastered if taken by surprise, the warrior could suffer more distress from a painfully loud sound than an ordinary human would. Also, beyond a certain size, crowds of people tend to create too many sensory impressions for him to sort through.


Basically listening to the opponent’s rhythm.



·Usui Uonuma-Rurouni Kenshin

·Yomi-Yu Yu Hakusho


Competent: You can fight and predict your enemies’ locations at the same time.

Sixth Sense (第六感, Dairokkan), Intuition, Danger Sense or Danger Sensing is a heightened state of mental awareness and enhanced perception within the mind that grants one the abiltiy to sense when a threat is near.


When we are aware of ourselves and of others who are in our daily life we become linked by a common bond of social interaction that binds society together in compassion and overlapping needs. But a sense that goes beyond this is to be aware of the universe outside of ourselves to perceive the flow of psychic currents and by this means gain the ability to interact with others and our environment. The so-called 'Sixth Sense' is really a complex assortment of different functional abilities that all rely upon the mind and spirit linking together. Learning to harness and channel this sense can make you truly formidable and a vastly more capable Man of Wisdom.


As we get older we get weaker, both physically and mentally. That’s something we can’t avoid. But there’s one thing we can do. Something we can keep getting better at until the day we die. In the wild where survival of the fittest is law herbivores never lay down to rest for just a moment of carelessness can spell death. At midnight they must remain alert for any sights sounds or smells of their predator's movements. Every day requires the utmost attention in order to sense their enemies.


By repeatedly escaping from enemy threats their survival has enabled them to refine their 5 senses to the extreme giving birth to a new 6th sense one that can sense the approach of death. A lone elderly zebra was too weak to run any longer. But it was clearly able to tell what was in its surroundings. It lived its days in peace amidst this dangerous savanna for this zebra was able to sense within a 2 kilometer radius the location of all its predators. Humans have this sense as well however through centuries of disuse it has become stagnant only surfacing during times of great stress.


The harsh training martial arts put themselves through allows them to reawaken this sense allowing them to see things without relying on their eyes. it's like the fighter is standing in a pond of water or on a spider's web. The moment a person steps into that pond or on that web, the fighter is alerted due to the ripples (pool) or vibrations (web) created. The more skill the fighter gains the bigger the pool gets. Only other master warriors and newborn babies can enter this field without being noticed by the fighter. In combat user can psychically detect the movements of subjects with hostile intent, sensing and reacting to any form of danger instants before it strikes. One with this ability may detect motion during the battle, as subtle discernment, or they may come ahead of time (or provoked by detection of hostile intentions), accompanied by a feeling of when the attack will come. Try as you might if you don’t have the sixth sense you can be one of the best, but you’ll never be number one.


The Sixth Sense is not something that comes easily taking 10 maybey 20 years. It could take a lifetime to master. This is why the utilization of one’s sixth sense is the most common variation of blind fighting. It is not uncommon for martial artist to train in blind fighting in an effort to help them get it a little faster, as it teaches them how to see things without relying on their eyes.


This ability also allows one to sense how to use one’s environment to one’s advantage in a fight, as well as what objects, structures or subjects are present that one can use to one’s advantage. Such as the ability to judge ones position in midair, where they can grab an object to swing onto, etc. a skilled warrior’s sixth sense is always active, even when asleep or unconscious, activating their reflexes almost as immediately as it would if they were awake. Is somehow blinded the sixth sense tells the warrior how to avoid obstacles that they cannot see. When they move, the sixth sense informs them what objects are nearby, judges their position, where they can grab onto an object, and if it is a safe object.


While the sixth sense is usually associated with dodging unseen attacks fighting using nothing but one’s sixth sense is a lot tougher then dodging. Despite this form of blind fighting being the most common it also leads to the greater amount of death to those who attempt it. The fighter welcome opponent’s attack for pain is needed in order to grasp the technique. You can’t see it with your eyes. Or hear it with your ears. You have to sense it with your entire being as your blood is flowing.

While the sixth sense is usually associated with dodging unseen attacks fighting using nothing but one’s sixth sense is a lot tougher then dodging. Despite this form of blind fighting being the most common it also leads to the greater amount of death to those who attempt it. The fighter welcome opponent’s attack for pain is needed in order to grasp the technique. You can’t see it with your eyes. Or hear it with your ears. You have to sense it with your entire being as your blood is flowing.


Through training the sixth sense becomes internally linked with the user’s reflexes, kinesthesia and proprioception as they learn to exclude all extraneous movements and focus solely on the enemy’s presence. Enabling them to evade, dodge, and avoid almost any form of danger, no matter how fast, subtle, or sudden it may be. And that way they can avoid attacks using the least amount of energy necessary.


Esenstially this is the ability to read and measure the timeing of opponent’s rhythm.


Kenpachi Zaraki – Bleach

Ranma Saotome Ranma 1/2

There is also a sub-variation of the Sixth Sense that involves the use of Sakki. There is a great deal of difference between a fighter who has been forced to kill and a killer. And that is "Tou-Ki." (Battle Ki) and "Satsu Ki" (Killing Intent/Killing Ki), in reality there is no real difference between the two similar to the Moko Takabisha and the Shi Shi Hokodan they are merely different expressions of the same thing. Satsuki is the killing power than usually is emitted by the body/soul when about to kill someone. It can be felt by martial artists of a good level but mostly by animals and other highly sensitive beings.

You usually see this is assassins or practitioners of particularly deadly styles. It is not uncommon for a trainee to be placed face to face with a giant killing tiger all in all to pass the test of the killing aura; as if to check that he has enough killing power. If the tiger lowers their head when their gazes meet the trainee passes the test. The power of satsuki is so strong that its victims know on a lower level of consciousness that they are in danger that the trainee is dangerous nay it is worst they are danger. Strength and experience mean nothing to these feelings, the victims control shattered in an instant as that dark part of our mind tries to take control to the part of the human psyche we are still children afraid of the dark. However being able to wield "Satsu Ki" doesn’t necessarily mean one is an evil person. Yet there are truly sadistic individual who enjoys inflicting pain and suffering in others. These are beings who unite all sins of man. They live only

to quench their unending desire for power and death. They are so consumed with the desire to kill that it causes a fundamental change in their ki turning them into a 'demon' (魔神, Majin) this is referred to as Matōki. This also changes the way their sixth sense works as well. Majin are able to sense not danger but the death instinct Thanatos.

This form of sixth sense or Chokushi (直死, lit. Direct Death) is considered to be such a rarity that it is thought not to exist at all. Chokushi allows the user to "perceive death", the conceptual "Death of an Existence", as visual signals in the form of limited precognition. Rather than "seeing", it is more like they are "observing" everything at a higher level.[5] This way they can anticipate how their enemies will attack or what they will do which makes it incredibly hard to fight user effectively.


The ability to perceive the death of a being or object depends entirely upon the user's perception of death. It is invisible to normal people, only accessed through perceiving the natural flaws with overly strong spiritual sight by looking through channels that normal people cannot perceive.[6] In perceiving death, it can be said they see the Root itself. Desiring an enemy’s death or facing one’s own mortality causes an overwhelming emotional discharge. Therefore allowing user to sense Thanatos from anything that’s about to die.


Chokushi shows the death of things, the weak points where everything is most easily broken and the imperfection in everything that will break down one day. User can be said to see the fate of all things, seeing the future, allowing them to see death. While there is a difference as to when an person or object will "end", it is certain that they will all arrive at that point because death is not something that "arrives", but rather is something already contained within an object at its creation and certainly bound to happen as part of the principle of causality.


Anything with an origin must have an end, a "time of death" determined at the beginning, and as it already exists, it is not impossible to comprehend such a concept, allowing them to be viewed as though through a window. It is normal that cutting a living being's neck would kill them, their life stopping because it was cut, and conversely not being able to cut a being's neck would mean that they will not die. User can ignore the cause, instead allowing them to kill even that which is immune to all external effects. That which is cut falls apart and that which is "killed" becomes "dead", but rather than "tracing the lines causing the object to fall apart" and the object becoming dead because it was cut, it is "ending the lifespan and killing the object." It is the erasure of existence rather than physical destruction, so the object is "stopped" and the cut is the end result.[9]


Takuma Fudo


Expert: You can almost “feel” where your opponents are.

This is a very acute ability to use ambient ki energies to sense changes in the movement of the environment around oneself. User senses the flow of ki around them through their connection to it. If the flow of ki around user changes, the flow of their own energies also changes relaying this information to the brain. Changes in the pattern of the ki warns user of approaching danger or indicates the location of objects outside their range of vision. The more powerful and/or concentrated a person’s aura is the easier it is for user to follow their movements. Particularly skilled user’s can focus on a specific individual and sense their location, and use the reserves of their life force to accurately determine their strength and skill level. This ability requires a massive amount of skill and training, but it can also be shortcutted. By unleashing their aura a particularly powerful individual can use it as a sort of blanket and sense all those who are within it; the stronger and closer the enemy, the more powerful the sensation. The main weakness of sensing ki is that its main advantage is sensing those that work against the flow of the ki. However if the enemy works with the flow they become invisible to user’s senses. Sort of like catching a fish with your bare hands. This is why this skill is often referred as Sakkijutsu as the killing intent of others will easily change the flow of ki.


This is feeling the flow of opponent’s rhythm.



Sara - Samurai Champloo

Galatea - Claymore

Dragon Ball Z


There is also a technique or more specifically a counter to this form of blind fighting refered to as territory. It is basically a barrier of ki that works similar the short-cut used to sense ki. User extends their aura in an enclosed area the radius of which is depended on their skill level. As there ki fills the area their territory is filled with an aura patterned after their own. This makes the user impossible to sense as it seems that they are literally everywhere. However opponent’s aura stands out making them easy to attack.


Master: You possess an almost mystical sense- Zen and the Art of Spatial Awareness.

Seventh Sense, Inner Sight is the ability to sense the underlying structure of reality (think of neo from the matrix). The material world, on all levels, is not the supreme reality. Everything resonates on the subatomic level with a unique "signature," a particular sort of vibration on a quantum level. This signature is a constant. It cannot be changed by any known process. It is the basic foundation of existence. The quantum resonance signature is sort of a blueprint, a script, of its entire universe; the movements of each and every one of its particles in every moment of its time. Fully mastering this in extremely difficult and training is usually separated into different sets. However mastering even one of these subsets is considered a great feat.


One subset termed Seismic Sense is the ability to detect vibrations in the ground to perceive objects, people, and other aspects of ones environment. First and foremost of seismic sense's applications is the ability to perceive surroundings. By sensing vibrations in the ground, user can perceive their surroundings as precisely as normal sight. Practitioners can use the sense to detect things out of their line of sight, even right behind them. Obstacles that would normally obstruct regular vision, such as walls and thick dust clouds, are ineffective against seismic sense, and caverns and other cavities deep underground can also be detected by an acute seismic sense.[1] Even earth that is not on the ground can be detected. Seismic sense is not without its limitations. Seismic sense only detects things in contact with the ground; objects floating in water or thrown in the air are undetectable. The practitioner must also be in contact with solid ground to use the sense at all; again, if the user is in the air or water, or even standing on a non-earth solid such as ice, they will be unable to sense anything. Sand, although an earth-based substance, is not firm like normal earth, and renders seismic sense "fuzzy" and very imprecise, unless the individual is extremely skilled. Uninterrupted contact with the ground is preferred for the user- an object such as a shoe sole interferes with the sense. The sense also has considerably less range than uninterrupted sight, and it does not allow for perception of facial features or written characters.



Toph Bei Fong-Avatar: The Last Airbender


At advanced stages skilled individuals are able to use their entire dermis as a sensor to detect minute vibrations traveling through disturbances of air currents surrounding them, effectively eliminating the major weaknesses of Seismic Sense.



Julia Carpenter-Marvel


The most well known subset of the seventh Sense has been dubbed the Radar Sense or Human Echolocation. Vision and hearing function in almost exactly the same the way and while humans have evolved to rely more upon the light reflected from objects (sight), we are more than capable of learning to perceive the vibrations that come from or reflect off objects in much the same way. How can people learn such a skill then? Simply put, the area of the brain most concerned with sight actually has nothing to do with sight at all and, actually, it deals almost totally with spatial relations. Someone without the benefit of sight – or someone who has trained to survive without it (a martial arts master, for example) – turns this area of the brain loose on their other senses and thus derives a fairly accurate picture of their surroundings; accurate enough in fact, to provide one the ability to perceive an object and to recognize the location (where), dimension (size and the general shape), and density (how solid something is) of the world around them. Location itself is usually broken down into distance from the observer, direction (left/right, front/back and high/low) and dimension refers to height (tall or short) and breadth (wide or narrow).


Although it can replace sight, it is only similar to it in overall function. As it actually uses vibrations to perceive reality rather than reflected light from surfaces to view the world, it has certain distinct traits that can either help or hinder a user. All illusions are mostly negated as the user’s greater understanding of reality makes them ineffectual and on a similar note any technique that requires eye contact will fail on someone with Radar Sense because they do not have eyes. Similarly, the user is not limited to the same field of vision a normal person is restricted to. Their peripheral “sight” is far superior to a normal person and it can border 180 degrees for advanced users. The users of Human Echolocation tend to be much better at locating things behind them or perceiving subtle shifts in the environment and things such as mist or fog don’t hamper them at all. Overall, they loose one sight but become far more perceptive with the others. In all aspects, it truly is a phenomenal skill, but while it can replace sight for everyday life, even to the point of allowing a person to ride a bike through a busy town, it is still a poor substitute for the detail orientated sight human society is based off. It provides a sense of normality, but not a substitute.




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